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How to deal with the future of IoT in the era of Internet of Everything

Published : 2022-07-23 16:15 | Views : 123

IoT (Internet of Things) is simply the Internet where everything is connected. At present, the mainstream wireless LAN connection technologies for IoT are mainly Bluetooth, WiFi and Zigbee. Bluetooth is widely used in the field of IoT because of its perfect encryption measures, stable transmission process and rich compatible devices. According to the Bluetooth technology alliance, the global shipments of Bluetooth devices, in 2017 is 3.6 billion, by 2021 is 4.7 billion. It is predicted that by 2026, the number of Bluetooth devices shipped will exceed 7 billion, and the compound annual growth rate will reach 9%. 

Application scenarios, with the continued strong growth of connected consumer electronic devices, especially the growth rate of peripheral devices will continue to outpace the growth of platform devices, such as wearable devices and other areas for power, volume, cost and other aspects of demand, a large number of IoT di chip towards the All in One SoC direction is a clear predictable trend. 

Through the analysis of IoT chip market trends and technology trends, high integration, low power consumption, high performance, low cost, and rapid product iteration have brought many challenges to the testing of IoT chips, requiring ATE systems to cover all module testing; higher DC accuracy requirements, higher RF index requirements, higher THD/SNR index requirements, and higher throughput; lower cost test solutions; and shorter test development time. test solution; shorter test development cycle, etc. 

In order to meet the development and challenges of IoT chip testing, Accelerate Technology has launched a total ATE solution for IoT testing needs based on ST2500+ST7008 series products. 

The ST2500 and its standard DFB32 test resource board are responsible for the regular DC/AC/Function test items; the mixed-signal board MWB8 is responsible for mixed-signal parts such as audio AD/DA, which can be installed in any slot of the ST2500; and the RF test module ST7008 is responsible for the RF function test items of the chip. All three resources can be flexibly configured and expanded according to the actual situation. 

The ST7008 wireless integrated tester supports multi-domain parallel testing in the 70M-7.1GHz band, with signal transmission and reception functions, and can realize testing of frequency, demodulation characteristics and spectrum characteristics, and has excellent expandability for future wireless test standards. With high reliability, low cost and high performance, it is a necessary test instrument to improve the quality and production efficiency of IoT chips. 

This IoT ATE solution achieves high-end machine performance, low-end machine price; fully integrated, one set of test environment to complete Digital+Audio+RF all test items; independent control, flexible hardware combination expansion, software license expansion, custom protocols, non-standard modulation signals and other rapid customization; end-to-end test development services, professional service team, fast support response. Greatly improve test efficiency and reduce test costs. 

IoT is the future trend, with the arrival of IoT technology and industry singularity, into the golden development period. ioT industry chain contains four levels of perception, transmission, platform, application and service, transmission and perception has been the core of intelligent device changes, with the evolution of the times, transmission technology is also gradually developed.  

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