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Russia develops nanochip for ultra-fast information transmission

Published : 2022-07-20 13:35 | Views : 121

Physicists from the National Competence Center for Technological Initiatives "Photonics" of the Perm State Research University, together with scholars from St. Petersburg, have proposed a way to increase the efficiency of electronic devices and computer calculations, RIA Novosti reported on July 20. -A new source of light radiation.

The researchers said, "The researchers have created a new source of light radiation. Its size is comparable to the compact chips used in nanoelectronics, but its properties make it possible to multiply the speed of information transfer within microcircuits."

The researchers explain that increasing the speed of information processing is one of the main tasks in the development of today's computer technology. For this reason, the parallel operation of multiple computing cores in a processor is widely used. But the overall computational performance of a device is influenced less by the speed of individual cores and more by the speed of communication between the cores.

The researchers add, "The highest connection speeds can be achieved with the help of fiber optic lines. They are widely used for communication between workstations, but their size is too large to be employed within computing devices."

Russian scholars have proposed a new generation of optoelectronic microchips: as compact as classical metal chips and as efficient as optical chips. "We developed a unique method of forming optical nanocontacts," explained Denis Lebedev, a researcher at the Laboratory of Renewable Energy at the St. Petersburg State Research University of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Alferov.

The researchers concluded that the obtained results will make it possible to create a new generation of optoelectronic chips, which will increase the computing performance and efficiency of modern computers several times.

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